Contact us ONLINE
This is an e-consultation service and will be read by a member of the team within 5 working days and a response sent back to you ASAP thereafter. If you actually want to speak or see a clinician then instead of this service, please speak to reception on 01702 463333
If you are seriously unwell, call 111 or 999
Southend Victoria PCN and Queensway Surgery
Primary care networks (PCNs) are groups of GP practices working closely together with other healthcare staff and organisations to provide more joined up care to local communities.
Queensway Surgery is part of the Southend Victoria PCN and we are a collaboration of nine GP practices serving approximately 60,000 patients from the Southend Central and Westcliff-on-Sea areas.
Visit our PCN website to find out more! Southend Victoria PCN
Vision & Values
To provide the best possible outcomes for our patients in a safe, welcoming, and all-inclusive environment with clinicians and staff that are approachable, respectful, and patient-centred.
Caring Fair Innovative Diverse Accountability Empower
Strategy & Values
We are accountable – we are open and transparent to the people who use our service, and we ensure we take responsibility for our actions.
We are fair - We are consistent in the way we deal with people, both patients and staff, we act courteously, show consideration, compassion and understanding valuing each person as an individual.
We are innovative – We constantly review the service we provide and improve it when and where possible. We use all available resources, including technology to improve the services we provide to patients.
We are caring – patients and their best interests are at the heart of all we do.
We empower – to continually educate & promote healthy lifestyles and behaviours whilst engaging patients in supporting their own care and participating in shared decision making.
We are diverse – We are a cosmopolitan surgery with a diverse workforce which provides us with a wealth of knowledge, variety of perspectives and a better understanding of our community.
Welcome to Queensway Surgery
With patient’s needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need.
As well as specific practice details such as opening hours, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Visit us on FACEBOOK
Contact Queensway Surgery
Click Here for Online Contact FORM
Prescriptions Email
General Email
01702 463333
We may monitor, record, store and use any telephone, email or other communication with you in order to check any instructions given to us, for training purposes, for crime prevention and to improve the quality of our services.
Have Your Say

Friends & Family Test Results February 2025
NHS Friends and Family
Do you look after someone? Click here to be directed to our carer page.
Carers UK estimate that there are around 6.5 million carers in the UK, meaning carers represent 10% of the UK population. This includes around 700,000 young carers (aged 17 or below).
A carer is a person of any age (including children) who provides unpaid support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who couldn’t cope without their help. This could be due to old age, frailty, disability, a serious health condition, mental ill health or substance misuse. Parents of children who are disabled or who have a serious health condition are also considered to be carers.
Help and support for patients waiting for a hospital appointment or operation
The My Planned Care website supports people waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, and gives them advice and support while they wait. This includes access to average waiting times at their hospital and other useful advice and local services.
Patients can check the website of their allocated hospital for any information they may need before contacting their hospital or GP practice. Carers, friends, relatives and NHS teams can also see this information and, if needed, help guide people through the detail.
The site is easy-to-use and updated weekly with other advice and information on how to manage pain, keeping healthy, looking after their mental health, accessing financial help and other local support services. The site can also help people to prepare for their appointment or operation, including practical suggestions about how to manage symptoms and help prevent these from getting worse.

Your Information
Queensway Surgery has a legal duty to explain how we use any personal information we collect about you, as a registered patient, at the practice. Staff at this practice maintain records about your health and the treatment you receive in electronic and paper format. You can view our Privicy Policy & GDPR Here
We also now use Text messaging as another communication method. Please read our policy on using SMS. Text Messaging